Bringing Joy to Others this Christmas – Give, Serve, Love!

Giving Back

It’s so easy this time of year to get caught up in thinking about getting and receiving things for ourselves. We are bombarded with ads showing how great the sales are and trying to convince us of how much we need this or that new thing. One great way to avoid getting caught up in it all is to refocus our attention to others. Looking for ways to bring joy to others by loving, serving, and giving – based on need or just based on a general desire to bless someone else whether it’s needed or not – will likely take most of us out of our comfort zone, but it will make this Christmas season so much more meaningful. And, as a bonus, it feels good to brighten another person’s day!

I’ll never forget last year right before Christmas when I was having a bad day and stopped by Starbucks for a warm drink only to be surprised when I pulled up to the window to be told that the person in front of me paid for my drink! A simple and easy gesture on their part but it brought me to tears. The person had no idea how much their gift would bless me that day when it seemed everything was going wrong! There are so many opportunities throughout our days to reach out to those around us. Here are just a FEW ideas of ways to give back. I’d love to hear yours too!

  • Visit a nursing home just to chat with residents. They especially love to see the bright smiles and energy of little kids.
  • Donate food to a family in need. If you don’t know of a specific family in need, ask your church or donate items to a local food pantry.
  • Send (or hand) a gift card to someone in need (someone you know or a stranger). Have a few on hand ready to give out.
  • Volunteer in a soup kitchen or food pantry.
  • Offer a warm meal to someone out in the cold (could be a homeless person or even someone who works out in the cold all day).
  • Write and mail a kind note to an elderly family member.
  • Bake cookies for a neighbor or a shelter.
  • Adopt a family in need and buy food or gifts for them.
  • Pay it forward in a drive-thru, convenience store, or grocery store.
  • Do one random act of kindness each day of December.
  • Make a special treat, donation, or card for those who serve you – mail carrier, garbage man/woman, local police, cashier at grocery store or convenience store, etc.
  • Donate to Toys for Tots.
  • Send letters to those who serve our country – Holiday Mail for Heroes.

The options are plentiful but there is no need to make it complex. Sometimes the simplest acts of kindness are the most meaningful and heartfelt!

“We love because He [Jesus] first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

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