Advent 2013 – Keeping the Focus on Jesus

 2013 Advent Calendar                Kids Advent Calendar

Last year we made an Advent calendar to help us keep our minds and hearts focused on Jesus in the month of December as we prepared for Christmas (It is a sad reality how easy it is to put Jesus – the reason we celebrate Christmas in the first place – second to all the other things we think about and do during this season!). E had such a great time with it that we decided to do it again this year (including little sis this time, of course!). This year’s calendar was a bit more work but it turned out really cute. We made the tree using small paper cups glued to foam and each day’s cup is filled with a Scripture card, activity, and sometimes candy. There are tons of options and ideas for Advent calendars on Pinterest (and elsewhere). We are using many of the activity and Scripture cards from Faith-and-Home.

This morning the kids happily punched in today’s cup – December 1st. The scripture was Titus 2:13 – “Waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and the Savior Jesus Christ.”. And the activity for today was to have a special dessert. E and daddy picked up some yummy cupcakes at our favorite cupcake place!

Following an Advent calendar is a fun way to prepare for Christmas and a great way to involve the kids. The actual calendar itself can be simple or complex, homemade or store-bought. No matter what, it’s sure to be memorable and maybe even a new family tradition!

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