Mixed Bag From the Last Few Days

We’ve had a busy weekend so far. The zoo and Family Fitness on Friday. Teaching, the Y 10 year anniversary celebration, a graduation party, dinner and playing outside yesterday. Church and a birthday party today.

Checking out the arctic foxes

Checking out the arctic foxes

The Y’s celebration was really fun for the kids yesterday as they got to play in bounce houses, get their faces painted (see pic below), play carnival games, sit in police vehicles, and get into an ambulance and fire truck. I volunteered for two hours and got fried standing out in the sun. One of these days I’ll learn to put sunscreen on myself. I was talking with one of the other volunteers while we were filling water balloons. He performs all kinds of roles at the Y including child care, teaching hip hop dance (which E took one time…he tried out chest popping!), teaching a HIIT class, swim instructor, and more. I also know he competes with two different dance teams. I’m always curious about what people do for their workouts and love to talk about it, so I asked him about his. He told me about all kinds of crazy things he does for workouts including trying to bear crawl for 1 mile straight!!! He stopped at 1/4 mile totally wiped out and hands hurting. I think I would have stopped much before then. Just hearing him explain it made my back and hands hurt. Later after lunch he led a HIIT demo and had a small group of guys and one girl do a 30 minute class. They did 15 burpees followed by bear crawling to the other end of the lawn, 14 burpees, bear crawling back the other direction, and so on down to 0 burpees. We watched the first few rounds (E even participated in the first 15 burpees and bear crawl) and several of them were toast after the second round. It was hot and the sun was beating down on them. We encouraged them as much as we could before we had to leave. I thought about joining in to try it out but I had a full stomach from lunch and figured that would come right back out if I did even one burpee! Anyway, I’m always admiring the different challenges people take on and the things they put themselves through to accomplish the challenge.

imageE and I started our June fitness challenges today – Body of Iron for me and Ironboy for him. I wanted to measure the distance around a path through the woods by our house so when I got up I got E out of bed and the two of us took a little bike ride before C and Scott awoke. Riding with him means I need to go a lot slower than I would on my own but it was fun and a great way to start the morning by spending time outside with him! We had a nice 3 mile ride enjoying the sun and stillness of the morning. I love taking in God’s creation while most everyone else is still sleeping.

The sermon at church today was the last in a series called Fan Into Flame. Today’s sermon focused on the role of parents in teaching their children about their faith and raising them to be lovers’ of Jesus (and that it needs to be done diligently!). I liked the following quote that was on the back of the sermon notes:

“Parents, Love God And Love People,

Teach Your Kids To Love God And Love People,

So That They Will Teach Their Kids To Love God And Love People.”

I feel like we could be much more diligent with our kids when it comes to being spiritual leaders – guiding them and teaching them about Jesus. Two ideas I took from the service are: incorporating Bible reading into our nightly book reading routine and memorizing Scripture as a family (maybe a verse a week). E does lots of Scripture memorization in Awana but the rest of us have a little work to do in this department.

Lastly, the kids are getting really excited about VBS this summer. They are attending VBS again at St. Luke’s here in Gahanna. They are doing Weird Animals – Where Jesus’ Love Is One-of-a-Kind. We’ve been listening to the CD a lot and the music is great. There is nothing like a good VBS CD here at our house (or in our car!). We love to blast it loud, sing, and dance. And I’m getting excited about co-hosting a summer women’s study called Divine Redeemer – A Journey Through the Book of Ruth in July. I posted a few times about this earlier in the year and am looking forward to taking the journey with some new and old friends very soon. If you are interested in joining us, please let me know!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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