21 Day Detox – Day 19

Enspire Balance 21 Day Detox Day 19January 19,  2015

We thoroughly enjoyed our time with our friends this weekend. My friend and I are like two peas in a pod in so many ways. We each have our own quirky habits and routines but we are so comfortable with one another that we don’t even care.  Most guests would have had a hard time being here while we were doing this detox but it was no big deal for her. It was great to spend quality time together in person.

We ate leftovers and quick meals all weekend so I didn’t end up cooking a real meal at all. It was nice to have a little break from more time intensive cooking but of course I still spent a lot of time in the kitchen preparing meals and snacks. It seems the kids are always hungry! I used my Vitamix a lot to make smoothies because they are such a great way to get nutrients in easily and quickly (for myself and the kids).

Only a few days to go and I’ve definitely had treats on the brain. We had an employee party at the Y last night and they had cookies that looked so good. I almost saved one for Thursday but decided against it. I’m definitely not going to go crazy when this is done but I am going to have something small for sure. I’ve also been pinning lots of yummy sounding desserts that are made with healthier ingredients. I’m sure it doesn’t help me to be looking at all that!

Tonight for dinner I made these Crash Potatoes with some of both red and sweet potatoes. If you’ve never made this recipe, try it out! I love the way the skin gets all crispy. I seasoned them with garlic powder, sea salt, and pepper. I had the potatoes with half a black bean sweet potato burger, roasted zucchini, and sauteed onion and garlic on a bed of greens. I made this recipe for Almond Parmesan Crusted Chicken Tenders for the rest of the family. I used half almond meal and half cashew meal and replaced the parmesan with nutritional yeast since Scott isn’t eating cheese. They liked it other than the fact that I overcooked the chicken.

I did a lot of yelling again this weekend and this afternoon. We have a pretty small house so all the energy with the kids running around (especially the boys!) put me a bit on edge. I am still feeling very emotional and I get so mad at myself when I yell. I need to work on not letting my emotions get the best of me. I recognize my need for control so much in how I respond to the kids and it’s frustrating to me. Tomorrow is a new day…praise God!

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13

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