21 Day Detox – Day 20

Enspire Balance 21 Day Detox Day 20January 20,  2015

Today has felt like a long day. I’ve been mentally and physically exhausted. I think I’m just ready for this detox to be done. It’s been such a great experience for me but I’m ready for the end. I’m not sure my diet will change all that much other than having a little more flexibility but I think it will feel different because I won’t be on an official plan. I took the kids to Meijer tonight so they could spend some of the money they’ve been saving and I went ahead and got two dark chocolate bars. I read the ingredients carefully to get the cleanest ones I could find. Of course they both have sugar but they are 85% dark and have under five ingredients. I’ll be breaking into those in the next few days :).

One of my students this morning was telling me about a 3 day juice cleanse she completed earlier this month. She said it was the hardest thing she’s ever done. I’ve never really considered a juice cleanse but it sounds interesting and very challenging. Maybe next time. If there is a next time….

I made this 10-Spice Vegetable Soup for dinner. I followed the recipe other than I used a combo of cashews and peanuts for the cream and used coconut oil instead of olive oil for sauteing the vegetables. I took a portion out for myself and then added ground turkey to the rest. We ate some of the soup for dinner tonight and the rest I’ll be giving to some family friends for their dinner tomorrow. The mom is pregnant and having some health issues so it will be a nice treat for her.

10-Spice Vegetable Soup

I’m looking forward to tomorrow. My last official day. Dear Lord, give me strength for the day ahead. You have been with me all along this journey and I’m confident I couldn’t have done it without you. Your grace has been sufficient and you have given me strength when I’ve felt weak and tempted. I give you all praise and thanks!

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