21 Day Detox – Day 21

Enspire Balance 21 Day Detox Day 21January 21,  2015

Woo-hoo!! Only a few more hours and I will have made it 21 days on this detox and 21 days without ice cream. If you would ask anyone who is close to me I’d venture to say they would say they’re surprised I did it. Within the next few days, I’ll be posting a celebratory recap of the 21 days and some of the things I’ve learned on the journey.

The Vitamix was going strong this morning! I used it to make two smoothies, nut butter (I used raw almonds, cashews, and brazil nuts that I soaked, dehydrated and then roasted with a little coconut oil and Real Salt), and the mix for this Paleo Chunky Monkey “Ice Cream” (I used three medjool dates instead of the honey and vanilla extract instead of the almond extract). Tomorrow, I’m going to put the mixture in my ice cream maker with some pieces of the dark chocolate I got at Meijer yesterday. It will be my celebratory treat :). Don’t worry….I’ll be getting the real thing very soon.

Chunky Monkey Non-Dairy Ice CreamI also made another batch of these Paleo Banana Muffins. Each time I make these I change up the recipe. This time I added a can of pumpkin, a large handful of shredded zucchini, raisins, and a mixture of grains I had frozen into muffin size portions that included quinoa, farro, and steel cut oats.

My lunch was a bed of chopped spinach and arugula topped with roasted parsnips, sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, and eggplant. I then added a handful of sunflower sprouts (that I made this weekend), and a saute of garlic, onion, broccoli, cauliflower, yellow bell peppers, zucchini and mushrooms. I sprinkled a little nutritional yeast all over the salad and ate it with some yellow squash hummus, avocado, and salsa on the side. It was fabulous and beautiful to look at I might say! C kept asking me for bites and of course I happily obliged considering I’d love her to eat this type of thing on a regular basis. Normally if it’s on my plate she wants it but if I were to fill her plate with the exact same thing she’d balk at it. Day 21 LunchScott was out of town for the day so I had leftover soup with the addition of quinoa for dinner and I made the kids chicken pizzas on homemade whole wheat flatbreads we had from the freezer. It’s a great recipe even though it doesn’t fit into the detox. I make adjustments to the recipe each time and they always seem to turn out just fine.

My precious kitchen helper wasn’t feeling well this morning. She woke up with what seemed to be a stomach bug and slept for about 2 hours out in the kitchen while I worked. I couldn’t believe she didn’t flinch when I blended the nut butter. It sounds a bit like a jet engine. She was all back to normal by 11. In fact she was in the best mood she’s been in for a long, long time. Craziest thing! Notice the baby in the picture. She bought it last night with money she’s saved in her money jar. She is so happy with her purchase. If only it were the real thing…

C asleepC asleep 2“Maybe the journey
isn’t so much about
becoming anything.
Maybe it’s about
un-becoming everything
that isn’t really you
so you can be who you
were meant to be
in the first place.”
Author Unknown

Thank you Lord for this journey. Thank you for walking ahead of me, by my side, behind me and carrying me when I needed it. Thank you for these encouraging words from today’s devotional in Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling: Finding Peace in His Presence:

“I want you to be all mine. I am weaning you from other dependencies. Your security rests in Me alone – not in other people, not in circumstances. Depending only on Me may feel like walking on a tightrope, but there is a safety net underneath: the everlasting arms. So don’t be afraid of falling. Instead, look ahead to Me. I am always before you, beckoning you on – one step at a time. Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, can separate you from My loving Presence.” (Based on Deuteronomy 33:27 and Romans 8:39)

Signing off for now. I’ll be back soon!

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