21 Day Detox – First Sugar Post Detox

21 Day Detox Personal JournalJanuary 23, 2015

I woke up yesterday feeling a little strange. It felt good to be officially done with the detox but also a little sad because it was fun to have the challenge. I didn’t want to jump right back into eating sugar like I was eating before but I was feeling like I wanted to have something small. C and I put the Paleo Chunky Monkey “Ice Cream” that we mixed up the day before into the ice cream maker first thing. We enjoyed a small taste once it was the consistency of soft serve ice cream. The base of the mix was allowed on my detox but not the chocolate, so I had a few bits of the dark chocolate and it tasted great. Once we put the container in the freezer it got pretty hard and is a bit difficult to scoop out unless you let it sit out for a while first.

I have to make a snack / treat for E’s basketball game tomorrow and a snack for our small group meeting on Sunday so I went ahead and made these The Infamous Neiman Marcus Cookies. The recipe is in no way detox friendly. LOL! I doubled the batch because I needed to make a lot. I put raisins and chocolate chips in half the dough for the basketball team and chocolate chips and chopped pieces of a giant Krackel bar we had in the cupboard in the other half for our small group. Since I doubled the recipe it was a ton of dough and my stand mixer was barely able to handle it! I didn’t eat any of the dough until I started baking and then I picked out a few of the chocolate chips. They tasted really good but my tummy wasn’t too happy :(.

I got an email from Graeter’s yesterday advertising a special on a small selection of pints that they had overstocked. I really like Graeter’s ice cream even though it is very rich and expensive compared to store or national brands. I decided to stop in to get two pints on my way home from teaching last night because I figured it’d be a good ice cream to have has my first post detox. And my mom is visiting and she loves Graeter’s too :). I got Peppermint Stick and Vanilla Gelato with Chocolate Truffles. After dinner I ended up eating one the cookies I made earlier (and thoroughly enjoyed it!) and then had the dish of ice cream pictured below a little later. It was a very modest sized portion compared to my normal (which would have been filled to the brim and maybe even a little more). I enjoyed it but definitely had a hard time imagining eating a whole bowl full. I had a little stomach ache shortly after but I’m not sure if that was the ice cream or the beans that we had with dinner. I also slept very restlessly. I had lots of dreams and was tossing and turning all night.

Enspire Balance 21 Day Detox - First Sugar Post DetoxI’m definitely planning to have ice cream on occasion but I don’t plan to have it nearly as often as I used to. I know for sure I didn’t lose my taste for sweet treats though! I really just want to keep my consumption of sugar under control and not get back to habitually eating it like I did before. Not only do I feel better physically but I also feel better mentally not eating it so often.

I’ll be back with a more in-depth recap of the detox soon 🙂 Happy weekend!!

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