Free Downloadable Date Night Cards

Intentional-Marriage-Date-Night-CardsWe used to have a regular date night but got out of the routine shortly after our second was born. The last six months or so have been challenging in terms of schedule changes and additional demands on our time. Plus, with the kids around it seems to take all our effort just to get a few words in while they are awake or we need to wait until they are asleep (and when that time comes around I, at least, am exhausted!). So, we have once again realized again how important it is for us to prioritize time for just the two of us together. To start back into the date routine we are going to do a kid swap with a friend so that we can at least get out together every other week for a while. We’re hoping to not only spend time together talking but also get back to doing fun things together. These free downloadable date night cards from Serving Joyfully provide some great ideas to get started!