Love That Heals Our Brokenness

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today I made some vegetable broth in the pressure cooker and I made the mistake of pouring the broth into the glass jar while it was still hot. I heard cracking sounds and realized the jar was breaking apart! I didn’t even consider this might happen with such a thick glass jar. Thank goodness I had the jar in the sink while I was pouring it.

Broken JarValentine’s Day (and other “romantic” holidays) is a happy, love-filled day for some while for many others it is a day that brings up feelings of sadness, depression, brokenness and hurt. A broken jar is such a great illustration of the brokenness many feel in their hearts. When we feel broken inside it is very difficult to love ourselves and to feel love from others. Instead of others’ love staying inside of us and building us up, it often leaks out just like liquid would leak out of a broken jar – leaving us empty and feeling the need for more. It’s only when we heal from past hurts and wounds that we can begin to experience love in the way God intended. We can find true healing from only one source – Jesus. All other substitutes will fall short. Psalm 147:3 says “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 34:18 says “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice of love on the cross for us. John 15:3 says, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” And He wants us to experience this deep love He has for us through a personal relationship with Him. A love that can heal our wounds and restore us so that we are able to experience love in a way that we would never experience without Him. The love He offers is freely offered to all, no matter what the circumstances. However, we must accept His offer and allow Him to transform our hearts. I have been on the side of hurt and pain and have experienced the depths of His love and grace. It isn’t easy to stay in His love as hurts from the past often creep back up and haunt us, but we have Scripture to remind of us the truth.

My prayer on this Valentine’s Day is that you and I would feel the true love of Jesus – the love that conquers all and surpasses all. If we are experiencing God’s love, loving ourselves and loving others, we are fulfilling our true purpose on this earth.